Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Charter....no public...no charter!

So my 13 year old daughter Ryann went to Montessori for her whole life. I was happy about this and it showed. Then, one gray day, she decided to go to public school. I resisted.... my husband resisted...I resisted again. Then, my well trained future lawyer pleaded her case.

1. Everyone in high school will already have their friends picked out by the time I get there.

2. If I go to a larger school now, I will be able to acclimate better.

3. You have taught me to be a mature, well balanced child. Don't you trust my decisiveness now?

So that third one eventually got us. She was right, we did trust her and off she went to public school. Fast forward 9 months - decent grades, captain of her cheer squad and officially not getting placed in the dumpsters I was sure I would find her in at a public school.

Happy ending? Maybe. Now my kiddo informs me that public school is just too big, and too much drama, and why did I ever let her go there (okay that last one was just me) and she wants to go back into a charter school. We have found one that fits her personality (they have a great DRAMA department) and we interview tonight. Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy. Looks like a great school, the kids really enjoy the performing arts and they travel to way cool places like New York and Los Angeles. They also do not have a bus which means I need to now put clothes on much earlier than I want to.


  1. OK, it's ironic that she wants to get away from Drama by attending a school that has Drama as a specialty. Pa

  2. No kidding....and Theater is the main class she wants. She also wants French & jazz dance???

  3. Tres bein, mon petite chou!

    That's "Very good, my little cabbage!"

