Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fantastic FALA

Every parent hopes that their child will run home from school and tell them how great it is to learn, they love their teachers and all their soon to be friends. Well this year I got what I wanted. Ever since Ryann was accepted in to this "Arts and Leadership Academy" I have tried to let her know that it may not be just like she sees it on Victorious or any other number of Disney shows. Well apparently I was wrong.
First, they are encouraged to debate....LOUDLY. The teacher says that if you are not being loud you are not being passionate. Second, the kids (all decked out in fo-hawks, nose rings and purple hair) break into song and dance during lunch, And the teachers encourage that too, clapping and hooting with the rest of them. Ryann has made friends, been selected photographer for yearbook and finally feel that she fits in just right. Although, I am expecting the questions about hair dye and piercings very soon :)
